Nordic Walking FAQ

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What Equipment Do I Need?

You need a pair of Nordic poles and sneakers and adequate dress according to your local climate. Then, you are ready to go.

Where Can I Nordic Pole Walk?

Nordic Pole Walking can be performed on literally any surface, just about everywhere. On hard surface (pavement) you will use the rubber tips. On clay, sand, soil and grass you will remove the rubber tips.

How Does The Training Affect My Upper Body?

Nordic Pole Walking involves approximately 90% of your muscles and especially engages your upper body and arm muscles.

Which Parts Of My Body Are Being Trained/exercised?

Nordic Pole Walking trains and exercises 90% of your body muscles (=600+ muscles), the cardiovascular system and also burns calories all in ONE exercise.

Is Nordic Pole Walking Good For Cardiovascular Training, Too?

Nordic Pole Walking increases your heart rate by approximately 15 beats per minute.

How Much Does Nordic Pole Walking Increase Energy Consumption?

Nordic Pole Walking increases your energy consumption by an average of 20%.

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