Pole Walking Group
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St. Catherines Museum and Welland Canals Center
Certified Instructor will give BASIC instructions to get you started Nordic Pole Walking!
Get moving Mondays and enjoy the scenery along the Welland Canals Pathway, world renowned tourist destination.
Fairly flat walk some trail with fine gravel.
45 minute walk with 10 minute cool down.
Zip/ Postal Code: 0921
Nordic Walking Group
Laurier St, Milton, ON, L9T 1P0 Every monday at 6:30 meet in the Parking lot of Food Basics. Contact Ginger Quinn – ginger.quinn@sympatico.ca
Country: Canada
State/Province: Ontario
City: Mississauga
Zip/ Postal Code: L9T 1P0
Richmond Green Sports Centre
1300 Elgin Mills Rd E, Richmond Hill, ON L4S 1M5 Every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm Contact Peter Dennis for details, peter@peterhdennis.com
Country: Canada
State/Province: Ontario
City: Richmond Hill
Zip/ Postal Code: L4S 1M5
Tara Macdonald Fit Club
Tara MacDonald Fit Club inc, Suite 140 3-644 Portland St. Dartmouth, NS offering Nordic pole Walking as a Certified Nordic pole Walking Instructor with Tara MacDonald. Fit Club website click here phone: 902 407 7502
Country: Canada
State/Province: Nova Scotia
City: Dartmouth
Zip/ Postal Code: B2W 6C4
Thornhill Walking Group
Promenade Mall, Thornhill, On, L4J 4P8 Papillion Wellness and Fitness Beginner pole Walking Class Wednesday at 7:30 for 10 weeks Starting October 1st. Contact Heather Davis 416-917-9986
Country: Canada
State/Province: Ontario
City: Toronto
Zip/ Postal Code: L4J 4P8